DEADLINE: 31 October 2023
Stellenbosch University aims to become Africa's leading research-intensive university, globally recognised as excellent, inclusive and innovative, while advancing knowledge in service of society. The Stellenbosch University Postgraduate Scholarship Programme (PSP) provides full and partial ​​scholarships are available based on criteria set per faculty. African nationals who will be international students in South Africa may also apply.
All scholarship awards will be made on the condition that the applicant meets all of the requirements of the scholarship as well as the admission requirements of the relevant degree programme.
Honours: R70 000 - R140 000 for one (1) registered year.
Master's: R75 000 - R150 000 p.a. for up to two (2) registered years.
Doctoral: R80 000 - R160 000 p.a. for up to three (3) registered years.
Arts & Social Science
Honours: R110 000 for one (1) registered year.
Master's: R130 000 p.a. for up to two (2) registered years.
Doctoral: R140 000 p.a. for up to three (3) registered years.
Economic & Management Science
Honours: R70 000 for one (1) registered year.
Masters: R75 000 - R150 000 p.a. for up to two (2) registered years.
Doctoral: R80 000 - R160 000 p.a. for up to three (3) registered years.
BEd Honours: R90 000 – R140 000 (for 1 registered year).
Master’s: R50 000 – R150 000 (p.a. for up to 2 registered years).
Doctoral: R50 000 – R160 000 (p.a. for up to 3 registered years).
Masters: A maximum of R90 000 from the PSP fund plus a minimum co-funding of 50% of the PSP amount from the host academic department p.a. for up to two (2) registered years.
Doctoral: A maximum of R100 000 from the PSP fund plus a minimum co-funding of 50% of the PSP amount from the host academic department p.a. for up to three (3) years.
LLM: R75 000 - R150 000 p.a. for up to two (2) registered years only.
LLD: R80 000 - R160 000 p.a. for up to three (3) registered years only.
Medicine & Health Sciences
Honours: Between R70 000 – R140 000 (for 1 registered year).
Master’s: Between R75 000 – R150 000 (per annum for 2 registered years).
Doctoral: Between R80 000 – R160 000 (per annum for 3 registered years).
Military Science
Master's: R75 000 - R150 000 p.a. for up to two (2) registered years only.
Doctoral: R80 000 - R160 000 p.a. for up to three (3) registered years only.
Honours: R70 000 - R140 000 for one (1) registered year.
Master's: R75 000 - R150 000 p.a. for up to two (2) registered years.
Doctoral: R80 000 - R160 000 p.a. for up to three (3) registered years.
MTh: R50 000 - R150 000 p.a. for up to two (2) registered years only.
Doctoral: R50 000 - R160 000 p.a. for up to three (3) registered years only.
Please note that there are two separate application processes – your application for postgraduate study and your application for this scholarship programme.
Step 1: Visit our Prospective Postgraduate Student website ( and familiarise yourself with the available postgraduate programme options and the minimum entry requirements for each.
​Step 2: Apply for the relevant postgraduate programme and note under which Faculty it falls.
Step 3: Locate the scholarship faculty criteria of the relevant Faculty (in the call document below). Each faculty has unique qualifying criteria.
Step 4: Apply for the PSP via the correct application link for the Faculty. Application links can be found on page 3 of the call document.
Application documents The following documents are required (please combine all documents and upload them as a single PDF):
Copy of ID document / Passport – for international students.
Master’s and Doctoral scholarship applicants should also attach a pre-proposal in the form of a concept note (1 page).
An official copy of your previous thesis, mini-thesis (research essay), or another academic writing sample.
Letter of support from a prospective supervisor.
Certified copies of your complete academic record and degree certificates (certified copies if completed at a university other than SU).
Concise academic CV highlighting, inter alia, the following aspects:
Research publications (if applicable), Awards or grants received, Professional / Work experience.