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Africa Platform Short Stay Research Fellowships for Lecturers and Professors

Writer's picture: TKITKI

Deadline: 1 October 2021

Short Stay Research Fellowships

The Africa Platform fellowships are aimed at researchers (junior or senior lecturers & professors) who are affiliated with an African higher education or research institution. A bilateral agreement or MoU needs to be in place between Ghent University and the African institution.

The fellowships include a grant of € 2000 for a minimum stay of one month, which is meant to cover (or contribute towards) travel and accommodation costs and living expenses. The visiting scholars will be given an office space and access to facilities (such as the library) as a Ghent University visiting scholar.

The fellowships can be taken up at any time in 2022. Awardees are expected to be present at Ghent University and to take part in the academic activities of the research unit. Visiting scholars will give at least one lecture or seminar to fellow researchers and students. For this reason, awardees are required to have an excellent command of English or French.

Five fellowships will be awarded in 2021.

How to apply

Your application should be in English or French, the application form includes the following sections:

  • Personal information;

  • A cover letter in which you indicate: the period of your visit, the research group you would like to be affiliated with, and a motivation as to how your current and future research at your home university will benefit from a research stay at Ghent;

  • A research plan (research objectives, methods and tools, a work plan for the intended visit, possible long-term cooperation plans, etc.);

  • A budget;

  • A list of your three most important publications (optional);

  • Your signature and the signature of the Ghent University promotor. This means that you should already have a Ghent University promotor at the application stage. If you do not at present have links with Ghent University, the online research directory can help you in your search for a promotor. You also need to submit a short motivation statement by the Ghent University promotor;

  • A short CV (max 2 pages) in annex to the application form.

The application should be submitted by email to in one PDF file, no later than 1 October 2021. Incomplete or late submissions will not be considered. Each individual can only obtain one grant.

Selection criteria and procedures

The following criteria will be taken into account in the selection procedure:

  • The candidate’s profile

  • The overall quality of the proposal

  • The motivation and feasibility of the research plan

  • Added value/sustainability

A selection committee with representatives from different faculties will review the applications.

Ghent University conducts an active policy for diversity and equal opportunities and encourages everybody to apply. The selection committee will also strive for a balance in:

  • Home institutions (from Africa)

  • Ghent University faculties involved

  • Senior candidates and junior candidates

  • Gender


  • Application deadline: 1 October 2021

  • Selection results: end of October 2021

  • Mobility period: January – December 2022


At the end of the stay the researcher is expected to submit a short activity report (in writing or in video format) to indicate the output of the research stay.

Practical matters

The Africa Platform will assist awardees with practical arrangements such as insurance, visa and application for housing at the university residences.

Ghent University issues a visitor’s pass to foreign visitors who spend a short stay (= no more than 90 days) under the supervision of a Ghent University promoter. Each visitor´s pass automatically grants access to the Ghent University Sports Centre and the student restaurants.


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