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African Leadership Academy Build Program

Deadline: 26 June 2021

You are invited to this program which is about teaching the Youth Design Thinking using a unique tool called "BUILD". Basically, we are teaching the Youth to identify real problems in Eswatini and come up with innovative solutions.

BUILD stand for

B- Believe

U- Understand

I - Invent

L- Listen

D -Deliver

you will be taken across this 5 processes, after that, if you come with great solutions we will connect you with bigger organizations like the South African Ideas Festival, Anzisha Prize and the MasterCard Foundation.

The training will be conducted by Nhlanhla Mavuso (ALA student)

Facilitator: Nhlanhla Mlungisi Mavuso


WhatsApp: +268 79419002

Register for the two days training here:

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