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Writer's picture: TKITKI

Don't miss out on upcoming scholarship deadlines for July and August 2021. Here are the deadlines arranged by date:


  • Ashesi University Undergraduate Scholarship – 29 July 2021

  • Eswatini Government Scholarship - 30 July 2021

  • Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Scholarship For Full Time Bachelors Degree Study In Select South African Universities – 27 August 2021


  • Pan African University Scholarship – 31 July 2021

  • MSc in Epidemiology Scholarship at Wits University – 31 July 2021

  • Cannon Collins Part Time / Full Time / Distance Learning Scholarship For Masters And Phd In South Africa – 9 August 2021

  • Commonwealth Split Site Scholarship - 13 August 2021

  • Rhodes Scholarship For Postgraduate Study At Oxford University (UK) – 15 August 2021

  • DAAD Scholarship For Phd Studies At Wits University School Of Architecture And Planning – 31 August 2021



DEADLINE: 29 July 2021

Ashesi is recognized as one of the finest universities in Africa, with an educational experience proven to successfully prepare students for rewarding lives and careers. Nearly 100% of Ashesi's graduates receive job offers, start businesses or enter graduate school within six months of graduation. With an academic program designed in collaboration with some of the world's best universities and organizations, Ashesi has created an educational model unlike any other in Africa.

At the heart of the Ashesi Education is a multidisciplinary core curriculum that develops critical thinking, creative problem solving, ethical reasoning, and effective communication skills. The combination of the core curriculum and a rigorous preparation in a major field of study prepares students to thrive and to lead in a rapidly changing world.


Applicants who qualify to enter Ashesi, and apply for scholarships, are evaluated on the basis of their financial need. Based on the proven financial need, applicants are placed into one of four categories: Extreme Need, High Need, Medium Need or Low Need. For each category of aid, there is a set amount of funding Ashesi can award, or a set amount of named scholarships assigned. Students in each category are then ranked based on the strength of their admissions application; funding is awarded to students in each category based on this ranking, until the allocated funds run out for the admissions period.

Scholarship cover varies, based on demonstrated need. Ashesi's scholarships can cover a part of tuition fees, or at the entire cost of studying at Ashesi. Some categories of scholarships cover not only the full tuition, but also cover housing, meals on campus, learning materials, and support for basic living expenses. Applicants who are awarded scholarships will be informed of the conditions of their scholarship, in their admissions package.


● BSc Business Administration

● BSc Management Information Systems

● BSc Computer Science

● BSc Electrical and Electronic Engineering

● BSc Computer Engineering

● BSc Mechanical Engineering


1. Completed online application form, including personal essays.

2. High School transcripts or report cards for at least six terms.

3. Six EGCSE (G.C.E. O-Level) passes including Mathematics, English, and Science are required together with at least three ‘A’ Level passes (with grade A-D)

In addition to meeting the standard admissions requirements, applications from international students must provide evidence of English Language proficiency: International students for who English was not a language of instruction during high school, must submit evidence of English language proficiency, including but not limited to the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

Students applying for engineering programs must also meet the following requirements: three A-Level passes (A-D) including Mathematics and Physics, and six IGCSE (G.C.E. O-Level) passes including Mathematics, English, and Science are required for admission to Ashesi. A grade of D or better in Further Mathematics instead of Mathematics is also acceptable for entry as a prospective engineering major.


Starting in 2018, Ashesi accepts applications from students who are interested in transferring to Ashesi from other universities. Transfer student applications will be processed on a case-by-case basis by admissions offices and academic departments, and students who are admitted may be eligible to have one year of study waived at Ashesi. In order to secure admission, candidates looking to transfer must provide official transcripts from each college or university attended. It is your responsibility to ensure that Ashesi has received an official transcript from each institution attended in order to complete your application.




The Pan African University is an initiative of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union whose mission is to provide quality postgraduate education geared towards the achievement of a prosperous, integrated and peaceful Africa. Young, qualified, talented and enterprising applicants from African countries and the African Diaspora are invited to apply to join Masters or PhD degree programmes at any of the following four PAU institutes listed below. Candidates with potential, motivation and who desire to play transformative leadership roles as academics, professionals, industrialists, innovators and entrepreneurs are particularly encouraged to apply.

Admission Requirements for Masters Programmes

  • Maximum age of 30 years for male and 35 years for female applicants

  • Undergraduate degree from a recognized university, with at least a second class upper division or its equivalent, in a relevant field;

  • Certified copies of relevant certificates, transcripts (from university and high school)

  • Passport or National I.D. card (personal details page)

  • Clear colored passport size photograph (2cmx2cm)

  • Detail CV

  • Recommendation letter from ONE of his/her former University lecturers

  • Names of 3 Reference University lecturers (with email address and whatsapp number)

Admission Requirements for Doctoral Programmes

  • Maximum age of 35 years for male and 40 years for female applicants;

  • A Master’s degree in a relevant field from PAU or any internationally recognized university;

  • Certified copies of relevant certificates, transcripts

  • Passport or National I.D. card (personal details page);

  • Clear coloured passport size photograph (2cmx2cm);

  • Detail CV;

  • Recommendation letters from 2 Professors;

  • A 3 to 4 page Research Concept Note (tentative title, research questions, objectives, significance of the research etc.);

  • Names of 3 Reference University Teachers (with email address and whatsapp number);(Mandatory);

Application Procedure

Applications should be completed online at For more information, visit Closing date for the submission of applications with all supporting documents is 10 September 2020. Applications received after this deadline will NOT be considered. Further enquiries can be made through:



DEADLINE: 9 August 2021

Canon Collins Trust in partnership with the Ros Moger Terry Furlong (RMTF) scholarship seek to support exceptional individuals who are committed to social justice in Southern Africa and for whom a postgraduate qualification is an essential tool in working to create an open and just society. This scholarship provides funding for up to a maximum of two years for Masters and three years for PhD. The value of the scholarship package will range from R20,000 to R100,000 depending on student circumstances.

This scholarship supports both full and part-time study and will consider applications from those who wish to study by distance learning at a South African university.


In 2021, due to the impact of Covid-19 pandemic and funding availability, the trust will only be supporting postgraduate studies within the area of Education for selected countries in southern Africa. The research focus must relate to one of the following themes:

1. Improving quality of education in Southern Africa

2. Access to education in Southern Africa

To be considered for a scholarship under this programme you must:

be a national of, or have refugee status in, one of the following countries: Angola, Botswana, Lesotho,Malawi, Mozambique, Eswatini (Swaziland), Zambia

be normally resident in one of the above countries

be in possession of a good first degree (minimum second class, upper division or equivalent) or about to graduate in the year of application

be studying or applying to study at a South African university


You must apply to the universities you wish to study at for a place on your chosen course(s). Please access the scholarship application form online, where you will find full instructions online when you start a new form. Applicants are required to upload the following supporting documentation:

1. Copy of degree certificates, if available

2. Certified academic transcripts

3. ID document (the following are acceptable: passport, birth certificate, driver’s license)

4. Proof of refugee status, if applicable

5. Two recent payslips, if currently employed

6. PhD proposal if applicable

All notifications will be by email so please make sure you provide an accurate email address. Canon Collins will be interviewing shortlisted applicants in October 2021. Successful candidates will know the outcome of your application in November 2021.




Funded by the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), Commonwealth Split-site Scholars hips enable talented and motivated individuals to gain the knowledge and skills required for sustainable development, and are aimed at those who could not otherwise afford to study in the UK.

Purpose: To widen access to UK equipment and expertise for high quality doctoral candidates from low- and middle-income Commonwealth countries, and to contribute to UK and Commonwealth higher education and research through collaboration and partnerships.

Intended beneficiaries: High-quality graduates whose proposed research has a developmental focus and who have the potential to become influential teachers or researchers in their home countries.

Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships are offered under six CSC Development themes:

  1. Science and technology for development

  2. Strengthening health systems and capacity

  3. Promoting global prosperity

  4. Strengthening global peace, security and governance

  5. Strengthening resilience and response to crises

  6. Access, inclusion and opportunity

Applications will be considered according to the following selection criteria:

  • Academic merit of the candidate

  • Quality of the research proposal

  • Potential impact on the development of the candidate’s home country


To apply for these scholarships, prospective Scholars must:

  • Be a citizen of or have been granted refugee status by an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person

  • Be permanently resident in an eligible Commonwealth country

  • Be registered for a PhD at a university in an eligible Commonwealth country by the time your scholarship starts (November/December 2021)

  • Ensure that an institutional or departmental link exists between your home university and your proposed UK university. This link must be greater than simply a collaboration between individuals – see section on ‘Tenure and placement’ for further details. Both supervisors must provide a supporting statement which provides further details of the link to ensure your application is eligible.

  • Be available to start your academic studies in the UK in January 2022

  • By December 2021, hold a first degree of at least upper second class (2:1) honours standard, or a second-class degree and a relevant postgraduate qualification (usually a Master’s degree)

  • Be unable to afford to study in the UK without this scholarship

The CSC aims to identify talented individuals who have the potential to make change. We are committed to a policy of equal opportunity and non-discrimination and encourage applications from a diverse range of candidates. For further information on the support available to fellows with a disability, see the CSC disability support statement.

How to apply

You should apply to study at a UK university which has a part funding agreement with the CSC. Part funding agreements are at the discretion of individual universities. For a list of universities that have agreed to part fund Commonwealth Scholarships, visit the UK universities with part funding agreements page on the CSC website.

You must make your application directly to the CSC using the CSC’s online application system. The CSC will not accept any applications that are not submitted via the CSC’s online application system. All applications must be submitted by 17:00 (GMT) on 13 August 2021 at the latest. You are advised to complete and submit your application as soon as possible, as the online application system will be busy in the days leading up to the application deadline.

Tenure and placement

Awards are tenable for a 12-month period of study at any approved UK university or higher education institution with which the CSC has a part funding agreement (as mentioned previously) for a specific programme of research.

Your final qualification will be awarded by your home country university (not your proposed UK university). This scholarship will not support your period of study at your home country university. Funding will not be extended to enable candidates to complete a qualification in addition to or higher than that for which the selection was made nor for study towards a PhD at a UK institution. Awards are made in respect of full-time study only and no other course of study may be undertaken at the same time.


Each scholarship provides:

  • Approved airfare from your home country to the UK and return at the end of your award (the CSC will not reimburse the cost of fares for dependants, nor the cost of journeys made before your award is confirmed)

  • Approved tuition fees

  • Stipend (living allowance) at the rate of £1,116 per month, or £1,369 per month for those at universities in the London metropolitan area (rates quoted at 2020-2021 levels)

  • Warm clothing allowance, where applicable

  • Study travel grant towards the cost of study-related travel within the UK or overseas

  • If you are widowed, divorced, or a single parent, child allowance of £478 per month for the first child, and £118 per month for the second and third child under the age of 16, if you are accompanied by your children and they are living with you at the same address in the UK

The CSC’s family allowances are intended to be only a contribution towards the cost of maintaining your family in the UK. The true costs are likely to be considerably higher, and you must be able to supplement these allowances to support any family members who come to the UK with you. For more information, see the Handbook for Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows



DEADLINE: 15 August 2021

Rhodes Scholarships are the oldest international scholarship programme in the world, enabling outstanding young people from around the world to undertake full-time postgraduate study at the University of Oxford in the UK. Rhodes Scholarship covers Oxford University (and College) fees as well as providing an annual stipend. For the 2021/2022 academic year, the stipend will be £15,900 per annum (E315, 187).

In addition to the above, the Rhodes Trust will cover two economy class flights - to and from the UK - for the beginning and end of studies in Oxford. Scholars receive a settling in allowance on arrival (£225 in 2021/2022). The International Health Surcharge, which enables international students to access the UK's National Health Service, is covered for the duration of a Scholar's tenure. Following selection for the Scholarship, the Rhodes Trust will also cover the application fee required to apply to study at the University of Oxford. A number of research grants are also available to Rhodes Scholars, on application, which enables Scholars to, for example, attend international conferences or conduct additional fieldwork.

Subject to limited restrictions, Rhodes Scholars may read for any full-time postgraduate degree (including the BA with senior status over two years) at the University of Oxford. The basic tenure of the Scholarship is two years, subject always, and at all times, to satisfactory academic performance and personal conduct. At the discretion of the Trustees, the Scholarship may be extended for a third year for those who take a recognised route to the DPhil.

The list of graduate courses can be found here:


Rhodes Scholarships are for young leaders of outstanding intellect and character who are motivated to engage with global challenges, committed to the service of others and show promise of becoming value-driven, principled leaders for the world’s future. The broad selection criteria are:

Academic excellence (First Class Honours or GPA of minimum 3.70 out of 4.00, or equivalent).

Energy to use their talents to the full (as demonstrated by mastery in areas such as sports, music, debate, dance, theatre, and artistic pursuits, including where teamwork is involved).

Truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship.

Moral force of character and instincts to lead, and to take an interest in their fellow human beings.



Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia and eSwatini: Mr Omphemetse Mooki, P O Box 41468, Craighall 2024 Johannesburg. Email:




The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation (AGOF) provides a scholarship to Emaswati who wants to pursue an undergraduate degree in one of South Africa’s top universities. What makes AGOF unique however is that it is an academic achievement / merit scholarship for students who are passionate about entrepreneurship as a way of solving problems, in any field they are interested in. Thus, students who are entrepreneurial, for example through their Junior Achievement work or any business they have been involved in, while being high academic achievers, are a perfect fit for this opportunity.

AGOF takes a holistic approach to entrepreneurship development with a focus on three critical aspects: cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset in our Candidate Fellows and Fellows; developing entrepreneurial skills in our Fellows; and being relevant in the African context while understanding global entrepreneurial ecosystems.

The Foundation seeks to promote progress through entrepreneurship in an integrated Southern Africa. It aims to achieve this mission by identifying, educating and equipping demographically diverse individuals who have the potential to excel and making a significant future impact as high impact, responsible entrepreneurs. The aim is to foster such impact by providing youth demonstrating the highest potential access to education and cultivating within them an entrepreneurial mindset.

The academic programs covered by this scholarship are:

  • Commerce

  • Science (excluding Medicine, Veterinary Science and Dentistry)

  • Engineering

  • Law

  • Humanities

  • Arts

The universities covered by this scholarship are:

  • University of the Witwatersrand

  • University of Johannesburg

  • University of Cape Town

  • Nelson Mandela University

  • Rhodes University

  • University of the Western Cape

  • Stellenbosch University

  • University of Pretoria

  • University of the Free State

  • University of KwaZulu-Natal


  • Students who ONLY have Form 5 are not eligible for this scholarship

  • Students who are in their first year in university are eligible to apply for this scholarship to study in South africa.

  • Students who have matric, IEB or AS and A level are eligible to apply for this scholarship

All students applying for this scholarship must demonstrate a Spirit of Significance, Intellectual Imagination, Achievement Excellence, Personal Initiative and Courageous Commitment, as well as:

  • Indication of entrepreneurial flair and passion

  • Belief in the future of our country

  • Candidates must not be older than 21 years of age in 2021


  • Minimum of 60% in Mathematics for final Grade 11/Form 5 results

  • Minimum average of 70% for final Grade 11/Form 5 results

  • Certified copies of Academic/Extra-curricular awards/recognition must be provided for Form 4, 5 and 6


1. Academic

  • Textbooks & tutoring allowance

  • Monthly stipend

  • Full tuition at one of our 10 partner universities

  • University accommodation and meals

  • Transport allowance

2. Entrepreneurial mindset development

  • Speakers and seminars

  • Experiential exercises

  • Workshops

3. Personal development

  • Personal Leadership Officer (mentorship)

  • Industry mentor

  • Like-minded community

4. Outcomes

  • Tertiary qualification

  • Responsible thinking and entrepreneurial mindset

  • Well-rounded individual

  • Community-orientated learning


This scholarship can be applied for online. Please prepare this information beforehand:

  • A list of your intended courses of study in university, and the universities of interest

  • Form 5 results and percentages

  • All academic and extracurricular awards received in high school

  • All extramural activities you participated in, including sporting, community service, entrepreneurship, leadership and cultural

In addition, you will have to answer all of the following long and short essay questions:

  • How do you see your future ambitions contributing to the Eswatini you want to see in the next 10 years?

  • Have you ever started a business or an NGO?

  • What are your top three strengths and development areas?

  • Tell us about an initiative, development project or activity that you personally started in the last five years, or played a significant role in

  • Tell us about a time you identified a problem and turned it into an opportunity

  • Tell us about a time you were given an opportunity / assignment to implement in your school or community

  • Think of a time when you demonstrated leadership in your family, school or community

  • Give an example when you got a group of people to believe in a goal

  • What has been the most challenging or stressful situation you have had to deal with

  • Describe a time when your workload was particularly difficult and how you dealt with it


  • Submit completed application forms by 27 August 2021, 17:00 SAST

  • Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview September 2021

  • Shortlisted candidates will be invited to a selection camp December 2021



Deadline: 31 August 2021 Apply: The Wits-TUB-UNILAG Urban Lab programme supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) seeks to improve graduate education in urban fields across Sub-Saharan Africa. It is one of seven SDG Graduate Schools funded by the DAAD worldwide. The lead partners, the Habitat Unit at Technische Universität Berlin and the School of Architecture and Planning at Wits University in Johannesburg and the University of Lagos, collaborate in the offering of an urban-oriented graduate training and capacity building programme at Wits University that seeks to effectively address the challenges and needs of modern urban studies. REQUIREMENTS

  • The programme is interdisciplinary, but we place a special emphasis on a portfolio that is inter- and transdisciplinary, cutting across the fields of development planning, housing, sustainable urban development, urban management, and urban design. Candidates in architecture and urban planning as well as in the humanities, cultural studies, urban geography, or social sciences with a focus on urban studies and planning as well as candidates in related fields such as landscape architecture are also welcome to apply.

  • Only South African citizens and citizens of other African countries can apply.

  • Applicants must hold a master’s degree that is equivalent to a master’s degree (NQF level 9) in the South African Qualification System (SAQA).

  • They must also meet the PhD admission requirements of the School, which include proven ability of excellent academic writing in English, and an academic transcript at masters level with marks averaging at least at 70%.

  • The programme language is English. Proficiency in any other language necessary for their proposed geographic location of their fieldwork is recommended.

  • There is no age limit applying to the scholarships for study purposes. However, at the time of the application, no more than 6 years should have passed since an applicant graduated from his/ her previous master studies. APPLICATIONS

  • This is a separate application in addition to the application for admission into the PhD degree programme. Once the selection for the bursary is concluded, we will brief the successful candidates on how to apply for admission into the PhD degree programme in the School of Architecture and Planning at Wits University. The bursary application form is either attached or can be downloaded from Applications not using this form, or not adhering to its instructions will not be considered.

  • Applicants whose masters degree was obtained at a university outside South Africa must have their qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Unless such an applicant is already in possession of a SAQA evaluation, he/she is required to submit a full application for this bursary by 31 May for a pre-screening, which will ascertain whether the applicant should proceed with an application to SAQA.

In order for the scholarship application to be complete, it must include the following documents:

  • The Wits-TUB-Unilag Scholarship Application Form

  • A cover letter explaining why you qualify for the scholarship. Additionally, this letter should speak to the qualification criteria, and should also provide a connection between the project themes and your envisaged topic.

  • A 4-page research proposal indicating the intended area of research and topic, research question and methods. The main supervisors are Prof Mfaniseni Sihlongonyane and Prof Marie Huchzermeyer (see also here). Applicants’ research proposals should engage with at least one of the project’s research areas set out above (resilience, urban justice, solidarity) in the context of urban development on the African continent (the proposal needs to state the geographical area of the research), while also aligning to one of the main areas of expertise of either of the two main supervisors.

  • A CV

  • A copy of all degree certificates and official academic transcripts indicating marks for all degrees.

  • An electronic copy of any previous research undertaken (if available).

  • Letters of recommendations from two referees. At least one referee must be an academic under whom the applicant has studied.

  • For masters degree obtained outside of South Africa, a South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) certificate ranking the applicant’s masters degree at NQF level 9.

All the listed documents must be submitted by e-mail to Ms Taki Sithagu, by 31 August 2021. As stated above, those without a SAQA certificate must submit items 1-7 to Ms Taki Sithagu for pre-screening by 31 May 2021. These applicants may refine or update the written part of their proposals subsequently and will submit their final full application including item 8 (SAQA certificate) by 31 August 2021. Timeline leading to start of the PhD programme Scholarship selection process – September 2021 Selected candidates to apply to University of the Witwatersrand for admission into the PhD programme – October 2021 Visa applications for non-South African candidates – as soon as the admission letter is issued (October/November 2021) Registration for PhD at Wits – February 2022 CONTACTS If more information is needed, please contact: Ms. Taki Sithagu However, before making an enquiry, please exhaust the information available at:


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