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Established in 2003, the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) is Africa’s first and largest network of centres of excellence for innovative post-graduate training in mathematical sciences. We enable Africa’s youth to shape the continent’s future through Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education, public engagement and research. There are five centres of excellence in South Africa, Senegal, Ghana, Cameroon and Rwanda.

The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) is an academic network that enables Africa’s brightest students to become innovators that advances scientific, educational and economic self-sufficiency. The overall goal of the AIMS Master’s in Mathematical Sciences is to develop well-rounded scientists with excellent problem-solving skills, capable of creative thinking and scalable innovation. The program provides both a broad overview of cutting-edge sciences and strong mathematical and computing research skills. Courses offer students exposure to a range of topics, allowing them to make an informed choice as to their future specialisation.


No registration fees are required for the candidates selected for the Master’s degree. Full scholarships covering tuition, accommodation, meals and travel expenses are also awarded to successful applicants.

AIMS tuition, study materials and housing are fully funded through a generous scholarship. AIMS’ residential nature allows more contact time between lecturers and students than is available in a typical university setting. Students study two subjects for three weeks each, with each day typically comprising morning lectures followed by problem-solving and computing sessions each afternoon. Additional tutorials and special lectures are held in the evenings when students also usually complete their assignments.


The AIMS Structured Master’s Program runs over three semesters. The requisite skills phase of the AIMS course builds a standard core set of problem-solving skills: estimation, computation, approximation, modelling, data analysis and statistics. The elective review phase allows students to apply these skills in some of the most exciting areas of science.

During the final phase of the AIMS course students do a research project and write a scientific report under the supervision of an expert researcher on a topic of their choice. Research initiated in these projects often develops into further postgraduate research work after AIMS.

With outstanding visiting lecturers from renowned institutions and laboratories worldwide, the courses are broad in scope and employ the latest pedagogical methods to stimulate critical and creative thinking. To facilitate student participation and follow-up, each centre offers a Tutoring Fellowship, which permits Postdoc and doctorate researchers to work as dedicated teaching assistants, providing capacity building for the students 24/7. The institute’s unique residential character allows for optimum interaction between students, lecturers, and tutors in a harmonious environment at all hours.


  1. Classes are taught by renowned African and international teachers and supported by a team of resident tutors.

  2. Students and teachers cohabit in a permanent learning environment.

  3. A highly interactive teaching environment where students are encouraged to learn together through questions and discoveries.

  4. An emphasis on computing with 24-hour access to computer rooms and the internet.

  5. A Pan-African student body made up of at least 30% women.

  6. AIMS graduates embark on outstanding graduate programs and professional careers in Africa and around the world.


  1. Applicants must hold or expect to obtain by the date of commencement of AIMS training a 4-year university degree in mathematics or any other science/engineering discipline with a significant mathematics component.

  2. Candidate records must demonstrate strong mathematics, leadership and community service skills.

  3. Women are strongly encouraged to apply.


From estimation, computation, approximation, modelling, data analysis and statistics, the Master’s in Mathematical Sciences allows one to understand the underpinning concepts of modern data science. One learns the key fundamental problem-solving skills needed to tackle the issues that Africa and our modern world face.

Many scientists choose to further advance their studies after their Master’s instead of joining the workforce, and this has proven to be an opener of several opportunities. The Master’s in Mathematical Sciences degree is a stepping stone to pursuing a PhD in advanced mathematics or related fields such as Data Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and others. Specifically, at AIMS, students do a research project and write a scientific report under the supervision of an expert researcher as part of the course, which makes it easier to apply for PhDs, and excel, as they already possess the necessary research skills.

Apart from pursuing a PhD, one can join the workforce and use the skills acquired to solve problems for companies, businesses, and communities.

Here are some of the career options available for pursuit once attaining a Master’s in Mathematical Sciences:

  1. Data Scientist: Data Scientists gather large sets of data and interpret the results to inform companies’ and institutions’ decisions. According to Linkedin, there is a prediction that by 2026 there will be 11.5 million jobs in this sector.

  2. Data Analyst: Data Analysts do more than just look at numbers. They analyze data and use the findings to help businesses make effective decisions.

  3. IT Analyst: IT Analysts analyze and confirm a company’s IT, technical and business needs. They can work internally or be a consultant on various IT projects.

  4. Market Analyst: As a Market Analyst, one looks at information, quantitative and qualitative, and helps the organization to make effective decisions about their market.

  5. Financial Analyst: Financial Analysts study data and interpret it to help the business make better investment decisions.

As a young African, pursuing a Master’s in Mathematical Sciences does not only prepare you for a great future ahead, you become part of a generation that will potentially push Africa to the global scientific stage.

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